Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle ... for CASH.

It's pretty hard these days to not have an accumulation of STUFF, especially electronic stuff. I'd be willing to bet that you have an ipod or some kind of mp3 devise. I'd slap money down that you have a cell phone, or maybe even two. If you are like me and are directionally challenged, we'll then you definitely have a GPS. How about a computer, video game system, printer, digital camera, palm pilot (do they still make those?), PSP system, nano robot toy thing (I just saw a freaky robot gerbil in CVS the other day) and come on, who doesn't want to try out the new ipad? (However ridiculous and poorly marketed the name is. Seriously Apple, ipad?!)

Every day American’s throw away more than 350,000 cell phones, over 100 million per year and 130,000 computers daily. Electronic waste is now the fastest growing part of the U.S. garbage system. When electronics are improperly disposed of they can leak lead, cadmium, mercury...affecting the quality of clean water, soil used for food supplies and our natural environment.

We are part of a consumer society ... and we have a lot of stuff. Stuff that you don't need, stuff that a newer more "improved" version comes out a month after you buy it, stuff that hurts the environment and stuff that when it comes down to it, really is not all that important.

We can CHANGE. We can redefine consumption and change the way we think, act, buy and use. Deciding what you buy and where you buy it from matters because when you buy something you are giving value to it. Do The Green Thing is a public service organization that inspires people to lead a more environmentally friendly life. Do The Green Thing produces videos and shares stories from creative people around the world about how they are doing the green thing from walking more, to consuming less or simply unplugging their electronics when not in use.

Where does our stuff come from? What happens to it when we throw it away? What happens to something if we recycle it?

Meet Annie Leonard, an environmental activist who has traveled the world to explore answers to these questions. This short video explains in a simple and sometimes humorous way the real costs of our consumer driven culture. Learn about extraction, production, distribution, consumption, disposal and "another way" in a film style that reminds me and brings me back to the good old days of School House Rock.

Recycle For Cash

Stuff. It's cluttering. You don't use it. That cell phone from five years ago is broken. You want a new way to get rid of your stuff, to clean out your electronic closet without throwing everything in a garbage bag.


Recycle it. Gazelle is an organization where you can recycle your old electronics.

Gazelle wants to change the world – one cell phone, one laptop, one iPod at a time.

It is our purpose – and our promise – to provide a practical, rewarding way for people to finally rid themselves of all those old cell phones, digital cameras, and gaming systems that they no longer use, but can't seem to find a way to let go of.

Too often when people think of recycling, they rush straight to smashing things into bits for parts. We believe that reuse should always come first. If your GPS unit still works, why not keep it in circulation AND get paid for it? If reusing isn't in the cards, then let us recycle that vintage camcorder. We think of it as ReCommerce.

Yeah, we're green.

Green for you with dollars in your pocket. Green for the environment with fewer electronics being trashed.

It's good to Gazelle. That's our promise.

How Does It Work?

Join Gazelle and Big Blue Marble and recycle your old electronics. If you recycle through the Big Blue Marble Gazelle page, you will not only be helping our planet but also donating to Big Blue Marble at the same time. And for that we will love you forever.

Take five minutes, pack up those old electronics in a shoe box, stick some newspaper in there for packing material (packing peanuts are a big no-no. They are the equivalent of nature's cockroaches. They never go away) slap on the free shipping sticker and there you have it.

Do the green thing, it's free.

Visit http://bigbluemarlbeinc.gazelle.com/ to recycle your old electronics. :)